ASC Circular 2020-010 – ASC Announcements Related to NCR’s Classification as Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) (up to June 15, 2020)
With the government’s announcement of the classification of NCR as a Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) in NCR starting 16 May 2020, please take note of the following ASC announcements:
1. Starting Monday, 18 May 2020, the ASC will start accepting email applications from 7AM to 11AM instead of 8AM to 11AM (earlier by one hour) to provide more time for those who want to file their applications and for those who want to file earlier.
Reminder, for new applications, please submit the following:a) s1 application form
b) promissory note
c) ad material being applied and
d) all support documents (compiled in one file) to s1application@localhostCombined file size of all 4 documents mentioned above should not be more than 10MB.
For completion of INCOMPLETE decisions and submission of final materials and s2 application forms, email these to s2application@localhost.
2. Deadline of payment for all S1 applications to be filed starting Monday, 18 May 2020 will be on 15 June 2020. Attached is new promissory note template.
All applications filed from 4 May 2020 to 15 May 2020 should settle their payables on or before 31 May 2020 as stated in your promissory note. Agencies/Brands which have not settled their payables with ASC and are already beyond their due date(s) will not be allowed to apply and clear with ASC for new applications.
For bank details, please contact Ms. Pam Griarte at pam.griarte@localhost or Ms. Megan Samillano at megan.samillano@localhost. You may also contact them in settling your payables.
3. For questions, clarifications or appeals, please email these to inquiry@localhost so these can be properly handled. Please make sure to copy furnish our Operations Manager, Maya Estrada at maya.estrada@localhost and our Compliance Manager, Robbie Aligada at robbie.aligada@localhost in the email.
Any question, clarification or appeal sent via Viber, SMS or Messenger to any member of ASC Management or staff will not be entertained.
Thank you and God bless us all.