ASC Circular 2018-004 – SUPPORT DOCUMENTS
Per Technical Committee (TechCom) Meeting of 1 March 2018, please be advised of the following:
I. Submission of Questionnaire used in Quantitative Consumer Tests
- Submission of questionnaires used in quantitative consumer tests which are presented as support for claims during S1 and Panel Screenings and Hearings is mandatory. Non-submission or non-attachment of the questionnaire during S1 will render an application DISAPPROVED. During Panel Screenings and Hearings, late submission of the questionnaire will no longer be allowed as this is integral to presentations and deliberations.
- This will be effective 12 March 2018.
II. Submission of Hard Copies of Support Documents to the ASC
- The ASC requires S1 applications to be submitted together with hard copies of all pertinent support documents, tests, and researches. When submitted, these documents must be left with the ASC to form part of the files of the applied material. Non-compliance will render the application DISAPPROVED.
- This will be effective 12 March 2018
For your information and guidance.