General Provisions
The Governments of Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of the Philippines…
Definition and Scope of Cosmetic Product
ARTICLE 2 1. A “cosmetic product” shall mean any substance or preparation intended to be placed in contact with the various external parts of the human body…
Safety Requirements
ARTICLE 3 1. A cosmetic product placed on the market must not cause damage to human health when applied under normal or reasonably foreseeable…
Ingredient Listings
ARTICLE 4 1. Member States shall adopt the Cosmetic Ingredient Listings of the EU Cosmetic Directive 76/768/EEC including the latest amendments. 2. Member States…
ASEAN Handbook of Cosmetic Ingredients
ARTICLE 5 1. Notwithstanding the Article 4, a Member State may authorize the use within its territory of other substances, not contained in the lists of substances allowed…
ARTICLE 6 1. Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that cosmetic products may be marketed only if product label…
Product Claims
ARTICLE 7 1. Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that product claims of cosmetic products comply with the ASEAN Cosmetic Claims Guideline, appearing as Appendix III. In general, product claims shall be subjected to national control…
Product Information
ARTICLE 8 1. The company or person responsible for placing the cosmetic product in the market shall keep the following information readily accessible to the regulatory authority of the Member State concerned at the address specified on the label in accordance with Article 6 of this Directive…
Methods of Analysis
ARTICLE 9 The following documents shall be made available by the company or person responsible for placing the cosmetic products in the market, to the cosmetic regulatory authority: a) the available methods used by the manufacturer to check the ingredients of cosmetic products corresponding with the Certificate of Analysis; and…
Institutional Arrangements
ARTICLE 10 1. The ASEAN Cosmetic Committee (ACC) shall coordinate, review and monitor the implementation of this Directive. 2. The ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) and the ASEAN Secretariat shall provide support in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of this Directive and assist the ACC in all matters relating thereto…
Special Cases
ARTICLE 11 1. Member State may provisionally prohibit the marketing of a cosmetic product in its territory or subject it to special conditions, if the Member State finds out that on the basis of a substantiated justification, the cosmetic product, although complying with the requirements of the Directive, represents a hazard to health or for reasons specific to religious or cultural sensitivity. Certain product claims may…
ARTICLE 12 1. Member States shall undertake appropriate measures to implement this Directive. 2. Member States may, however, for a period of 36 months from effective of the Directive, authorize the marketing in their territory of cosmetic products, which do not conform to the requirements of the Directive…