The application for an ASC approval follows a two-step process. Step 1 is for securing of Approval for Production and Step 2 is for issuance of Clearance for Airing/Publication/ Display/ Posting. However, for Live Spiels/Live AOBs/Live Segment Sponsorships/ Interstitials/Lower Screen Graphics (LSG)/Portion Buys/Printed Collaterals, SMS, and other similar ads, the ASC issues both the Approval for Production and the Clearance for Airing/Display/Posting on the same day of application upon satisfaction of the necessary requirements.
Note that all S1 applications for live materials should be accompanied by a certification from the Media Agency or Advertiser on the estimated date of airing of said live material. This will be used by the ASC in determining the submission date of the Tape-on-Air (TOA).
Section 1. Application for Screening (S1)
- Advertiser/Ad Agency or their official representative obtains the ASC application form (S1) from the ASC office or downloads the form from the ASC Each material should be applied separately, i.e., one S1 form per material.
Refer to Manual of Procedures Annex 16 and 17 for S1 form sample.
- Advertiser/Ad Agency fills out the complete information required on the S1
- Advertiser/Ad Agency submits all pertinent support documents together with the S1 form to the ASC encoder.
Refer to Manual of Procedures Annex 1, item D, Submission of S1 Applications.
- ASC Staff encodes the information contained in the submitted S1 form and assigns the ASC Reference Code for each
- Advertiser/Ad Agency pays the corresponding screening fee upon validation of the For check payments, checks should be payable to Ad Standards Council.
- ASC Ad Specialist assesses the documents attached to the S1 form and submits the application to the Professional Screener.
- Professional Screener thoroughly reviews the application and renders a decision.
- Advertiser/Ad Agency or their official representative receives the decision on the application on the same day.
Refer to Manual of Procedures Annex 1, item C, Release of Clearances for Airing/Publication/ Display /Posting.
Filing fee for S1 with a Disapproved decision shall not be refunded.