Disputes and Complaints Procedures

Decision of Hearing Panel

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Section 7.  Decision of the Hearing Panel

Section 7.  Decision of the Hearing Panel

  • The Hearing Panel shall render a decision at the end of the hearing session.
  • The parties shall be notified in writing of the official decision no later than two (2) work days after the hearing.  Copies of the decision letter shall be emailed to the Complainant and Defendant.
  • The decision letter, drafted by the Ad Specialist, reviewed and signed by the Presiding Chairman, shall clearly cite the Panel’s decision on each complaint point, whether it is VALID or NOT VALID, and shall explain the reason for the decision without divulging the specific evidence presented by a When a decision is based on a published medical literature, source must be cited in the decision letter.
  • When any of the complaints stated in the letter is found to be VALID, the ASC issues a Cease-and-Desist Order (CDO) on the said material on the same day as the release of the decision letter.
  • No CDO is issued when the Panel finds that no complaint point stated in the letter is