Section 5. Confidentiality
- Advertisements under review in all procedures and deliberations, thereon, are strictly confidential. The obligation of confidentiality shall cover the parties, the ASC panelists, the presenters, the materials sent to ASC, the support presented by the parties, the deliberations, the voting of the ASC Panelists, and any related information. No information may be released, in whatever form, in any media platform.
- The privilege of confidentiality on the advertising materials being screened shall subsist up to the time that the advertisements are actually aired/ published/ displayed/ posted; or up to the time that the parties are advised of the decision.
- The privilege of confidentiality on the support, deliberations, voting, and any related information shall not expire.
- All parties and panelists involved in all the procedures shall keep the foregoing information confidential. They shall sign a Pledge of Confidentiality to bind the parties in writing and to additionally ensure the confidentiality of the information.