Extension of Disapproval
1. Disapproval of a claim, copy-line, visual or slogan contained in a particular advertisement shall be extended to the same or substantially the same claim, copy-line, visual or slogan used in another advertising medium in another context.
2. In case there is a difference in the context or setup which leads to reasonable doubt on whether the claim, copy-line, visual or slogan is substantially the same, the Advertiser/Advertising Agency shall elevate the issue to the TechCom within three (3) days after the receipt of the disapproval.
a. The TechCom shall decide within three (3) days from receipt of the request for clarification, after which, there shall be a presumption that the claim, copy-line, visual or slogan is not the same until the TechCom. issues a decision.
b. During the period of presumption, parties shall observe the status quo and the Advertiser or Advertising Agency shall be deemed in good faith and thus shall not be penalized.