a. Advertisements must not be injurious to the image and prestige of the Philippines and its people.
b. Advertisements should not undermine the public’s regard for government, law and duly constituted authority.
c. Advertisements shall not contain messages that deride or otherwise discredit the law and its enforcement.
a. The use of the Philippine National Flag in any advertisement or infomercial is prohibited unless approved by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.
b. The Philippine National Flag or any of its earlier versions and the Seal of the Republic, will be used only in a positive and respectful manner, and through a theme that is patriotic or commemorative, or reflects the heritage and/or traditions of the Filipino people.
c. Historical/national events, national events, national heroes and national shrines shall be presented accurately and respectfully and used to promote positive values.
d. The representation of the Philippine Currency in advertisements shall be governed by the rules promulgated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular No. 61 s. 1995).
a. Advertisements must endeavor to promote the improvement of the quality of life of Filipinos, positive Filipino Family values, customs and traditions.
b. Advertisements must respect religious beliefs, and be sensitive to the diverse religions, mores, culture, traditions, characteristics, historical background and identity of the various Filipino communities and uphold traditional Filipino family and social values.
a. Profanity, obscenity and vulgarity, or presentations that are offensive to prevailing standards of decency or morals, and the indecent exposure of the human body, or any of its parts, shall not be allowed. Acts generally considered as indecent or offensive are prohibited in any advertising material.
b. Some exposure of the human body may be allowed in advertisements when in good taste and relevant to the product or service being advertised, the situation being portrayed or the audience being addressed. However, suggestive portrayals shall not be allowed.
c. Advertisements should not depict or exploit persons as sex objects and should not contain offensive, obscene, blasphemous, profane, or vulgar words or phrases or any sexual double entendres.
d. Sex and related subjects contained in an advertising material must be treated with caution and conform to what is generally accepted as proper.
e. Salacious, violent or indecent themes, sexual innuendo or stereotyping likely to cause serious or general offense should be avoided.
f. Explicit depiction or graphic descriptions of sexual organs, other sensitive parts of the body prohibited in any advertising material.
g. Explicit depiction or description of sexual acts, sexual perversions and nudity are prohibited in any advertising material.
h. Advertising materials shall not condone or justify pre-marital sex or extra marital sex.
a. Profanity, obscenity and vulgarity, or presentations that are offensive to prevailing standards of decency or morals, and the indecent exposure of the human body, or any of its parts, shall not be allowed. Acts generally considered as indecent or offensive are prohibited in any advertising material.
b. Some exposure of the human body may be allowed in advertisements when in good taste and relevant to the product or service being advertised, the situation being portrayed or the audience being addressed. However, suggestive portrayals shall not be allowed.
c. Advertisements should not depict or exploit persons as sex objects and should not contain offensive, obscene, blasphemous, profane, or vulgar words or phrases or any sexual double entendres.
d. Sex and related subjects contained in an advertising material must be treated with caution and conform to what is generally accepted as proper.
e. Salacious, violent or indecent themes, sexual innuendo or stereotyping likely to cause serious or general offense should be avoided.
f. Explicit depiction or graphic descriptions of sexual organs, other sensitive parts of the body prohibited in any advertising material.
g. Explicit depiction or description of sexual acts, sexual perversions and nudity are prohibited in any advertising material.
h. Advertising materials shall not condone or justify pre-marital sex or extra marital sex.