SECTION 36. Monitoring, Implementation, Functions. – The Department of Health shall be primarily responsible for the monitoring, implementation and enforcement of the Milk Code and these Implementing Rules and Regulations.
In coordination with other agencies involved in the implementation of the Code, the Department shall adopt such appropriate monitoring guidelines for the national, regional and provincial levels. It shall likewise provide regular training on monitoring compliance and enforcement on violations of the Milk Code for all persons engaged in or volunteering to help in the monitor and implementation of the Code. The Department may request for the assistance of non – governmental organizations, civil society, and concerned international agencies in order to better monitor the implementation of these rules.
Accordingly, a monitoring team, composed of the ensuing, is hereby created and established :
National level:
National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDPC)
National Center for Health Facilities and Development (NCHFD)
Government/Non-government Organizations/Civil Societies without any conflict of interest with the breastfeeding culture, and/or direct or indirect connection, financial or otherwise, or with commercial interest within the scope of the Code
Ad Hoc International Agencies such as the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and/or the World Health Organization (WHO)
Regional/Provincial/City/Municipal/Barangay levels (in collaboration with their respective Local Government Units):
Center for Health Development Offices
Provincial Health Offices
City Health Offices
Municipal Health Offices/Rural Health Units
Barangay Health Office
Center for Health Development Offices
GOs/NGOs/Civil Societies
The Monitoring Team shall have the following functions:
Monitors compliance as well as problems encountered in the implementation of the Milk Code.
Reviews/acts on reports of violations of the provisions of the Code.
Verifies reports of violations of the Milk Code.
Monitors labels of products within the scope of the Code and marketing practices in various distribution centers.
Recommends sanctions or punitive actions for violations of the Milk Code to the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
Submits regular reports on the status of the Milk Code implementation to the Bureau of Food and Drugs.
SECTION 37. Report to the Secretary of Health. – Monitoring Teams comprised of duly accredited teams from non-governmental organizations, and/or civil society may report their findings to the Office of the Secretary of Health who shall appropriately respond thereto with sufficient dispatch.
SECTION 38. Role of DoH/BFAD in lAC. – The Department of Health shall convene and chair the Inter – Agency Committee (lAC) with BFAD acting as its