How to File a Complaint


File a complaint in writing, addressed to the ASC Executive Director.
The complaint must be signed by an officer of senior management status of the Advertiser or of the Advertising Agency, or by an authorized representative, provided that the representative provides a letter of authorization signed by a senior officer of the Advertiser or Advertising Agency, and must be accompanied by the applicable fee.
Indicate the contact person(s) and other contact details.
Identify the product or service being advertised, and the medium in which the advertisement appeared:

For broadcast ads:
Identify the station/network, the program, time and date the ad was monitored.
Provide a clear photoboard with the corresponding copy and an mpeg copy (TOA) of the ad in question.

For print ads:
Identify the name and date of publication(s) where the ad was monitored, including an actual copy of the ad (tear sheet) clearly showing the date and name of publication.

For OOH ads, merchandising materials or similar ads:
Identify the date and exact location where the ad was monitored.
Provide a clear photograph of the ad in question, with proof of date monitored.

For cinema ads:
Identify the date the ad was shown and the name and location of the movie theater where the ad was monitored.
Provide a photoboard and any proof of exhibition of the ad in question.

For digital ads:
Identify the date of the ad was seen , including a print-out of the advertisements and other applicable web pages (if any)

Cite the specific copy lines, claims, slogans, visuals or elements being complained on and the specific provisions in the Code of Ethics that are allegedly violated.
Explain in a precise manner the rationale for each provision in order that ASC shall be sufficiently aided in determining the issues involved and giving due notice to the defendant of the alleged violation.
If the letter of Complaint filed does not clearly state these items, then the ASC Executive Director shall return the letter to the Complainant. The hearing of the case shall not be scheduled.
The defendant may also request for a letter of particulars if it finds the complaint vague. In this case, the ASC Executive Director shall decide whether a letter of particulars is in order. Otherwise, the complaint shall proceed as originally filed.
If the ASC Executive Director decides that a letter of particulars should be submitted by the complainant, the date of receipt of the complaint shall be the date of receipt of the amended complaint.
Issues and provisions that are not covered in the complaint may not be brought up during the hearing of the case

Documentation Requirements
1. Submit at least eight (8) copies of the complaint letter and attachments. The prescribed fee is charged prior to the hearing. Only when paid and if prescription period has not expired, shall the complaint be deemed as officially filed.

2. No addendum complaint shall be accepted once the complaint has been officially filed. A separate complaint shall be filed for additional issues.

Burden of Proof
3. If a material has been previously screened by the ASC, the burden of proof is on the Complainant to overturn the approval of the ASC.

Prescription Period for Filing of Complaints
4. The prescription period for filing of complaints is 60 calendar days from the first airing of subject copy, claim, visual or slogan in a medium of national coverage.

5. Filing fee for complaint filed past the prescription period shall not be refunded.

6. There is no prescription period for filing of Complaints that involve:

Complaints based on facts, e.g. those that may be directly verified by data, complaints on copy claims that require technical evidence or research.

Print, merchandising materials, internet and mobile advertisements that do not require screening prior to installation, publication or display.