Consumer Complaints

  • Consumers’ complaints on advertising materials shall be in written form and submitted to the Executive Director or the Operations Manager, either through courier or e-mail. The ASC shall not entertain and accept complaints via telephone, text, or word-of-mouth from consumers or the general public.
  • Consumer complainants must indicate their complete contact details to avoid nuisance complaints e.g. postal and e-mail address, phone numbers and other contact details that may establish their credibility.
  • As with a regular complaint, the ASC shall forward a copy of the letter to the Advertiser concerned.
  • Consumer complainants may be invited to present their case in person to the ASC, especially if such complaints have a widespread or are of highly sensitive nature.
  • The Hearing Panel shall be composed of the ASC Chairperson or President, ASC TechCom Chairperson and ASC Executive Director. Whenever necessary, the ASC Legal Counsel shall also be present.
  • Action by the Panel may be: send to Advertiser for voluntary action; dismiss the complaint with notice to complainant and advertiser/ad agency; or other recommendation, which must follow the ASC procedures.