ASC Circular 2018-012 – Adjusted Application Rates for Non-Members

Please be informed that the ASC Board of Directors approved the following adjusted application rates for non-members of PANA/4As/KBP/MSAP/IMMAP/UPMG, which will take effect on October 1, 2018:

Type of MaterialLengthMember (no change)Non-member (Current)Non-member (New)
TV / Cinema AdsEnd Tags550.00660.00715.00
TV/Cinema Ads (including OBBs/CBBs/End Tags)5s, 10s, 15s715.00880.00930.00
Above 1min but not more tha 5 mins4,125.004,950.005,365.00
Above 5 mins7,150.008,250.009,295.00
Radio Ads (including live or recorded AOB/DJ Spiel5s, 10s, 15s550.00660.00715.00
Above 1min but not more than 5 minutes2,090.002,420.002,720.00
Aboe 5 mins3,757.004,125.004,650.00
Print Ads All sizes550.0066,00715.00
Out-of-Home Ads5s-30s1,4300.001,650.001,860.00
Above 1min but not more than 5 minutes4,215.004,950.005,365.00
Above 5 mins7,150.008,250.009,295.00
Collateral Static AdsAl sizes550.00660.00715.00
Collateral Moving Ads5s-30s1,430.001,650.001,860.00
Above 1min but not more than 5 minutes4,125.004,950.005,365.00
Above 5 mins7,150.008,250.009,295.00
Digital Static Ads/Display Ads / Banner Ads / Search Ads / Electronic Direct MailAll Sizes550.00660.00715.00
Digital / Internet / Mobile / Video
Above 1min but not more than 5 minutes4,125.004,950.005,365.00
Above 5 mins7,150.008,250.009,295.00
Native Ads550.00660.00715.00
Sponsored or "Paid" Blog Posts550.00660.00715.00
ComplaintsCase Hearing/Post-screening8,250.009,900.0010,725.00
AppealsMotion for Reconsideraton8,250.009,900.0010,725.00
Weekday Special Screening / Clearing13,750.0013,750.0017,875.00
Saturday Special S2 Clearing13,750.0013,750.0017,875.00

Please be guided accordingly.

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